Get yourself noticed!
Promote yourself in the most influential Polish media!
Journalists of the Thing About Innovation provide the public with interesting information on discoveries, research, innovation and investments of the future on a daily basis. Thanks to this, but also by the fact of very large reach with the message – the thematic section and the portal have become a mine of knowledge about modern innovators for the public.
We promote through business and industry media the research and technology of the future, that is, we present projects authored by distinguished scientists and visionary entrepreneurs who implement them with the idea of improving specific areas of our lives. The recipients of this type of communication are potential investors, business partners or local governments. Our audiences are people among whom image matters.

that matter

500 000
Readers of paper editions

5 000 000
Readers of the online editions
Join the more than 1,000 individuals and organizations that have chosen our section to promote their activities and projects of the future
Who are we?
The thing about Innovation
Most of the public is interested in information on innovation, and the biggest challenge is to deliver it in an attractive form through the right channels. The Rzecz o Innowacjach section appears in the most opinion-forming media in Poland, i.e. in the daily Puls Biznesu, as well as in the most prestigious socio-economic monthly Forbes. Thanks to this, our section is an effective tool for reaching representatives of business, science, state administration and local government.
The thing about Innovation is also the online world. In addition to national press editions, it is also an online edition on, Podcasts and video materials. In addition, articles can be posted on the online services of Puls Biznesu, Forbes. This allows us to reach hundreds of thousands of quality audiences.
Who is reached by the section The Thing About Innovation?
Readers of the Things About Innovation section are an attractive target group, which includes people with broad intellectual and professional horizons. They are mainly senior and middle management, academics, innovators and those who hold positions in local and state government.
We strengthen the brand of our partners in key target groups among whom image building is important.
We combine marketing messages with quality, specialized content consumed by an engaged group of readers.

Business owners
and entrepreneurs


Modern local government and state administration

and innovators

Management personnel

Public opinion
and society
The thing about Innovation in the biggest Polish titles devoted to business, innovation and science
The main channels through which innovators can reach potential partners are the most prestigious national media, focusing on economic issues. This is the first element of getting the word out about their business, before beginning – much more detailed, but of course necessary – face-to-face discussions.

Puls Biznesu is a national economic and business daily, presenting the most important facts from many industries useful in the daily functioning of an entrepreneur, manager or investor. As the only daily newspaper that focuses 100% on business topics, with a circulation of about 20,000 copies, read by about 100,000 people, leading figures in Polish business – it is a valuable tool in their hands. Puls Biznesu is the No. 1 newspaper among investors according to the 2015 National Investor Survey, conducted by the Association of Individual Investors.

Forbes is a business magazine published monthly. Targeted at discerning readers, it is rich in exclusive and inspiring interviews with the greatest business people. It is the largest and most significant magazine covering business topics in Poland. It is also a reliable source in-depth information on finance and the economy. The audience of Forbes is primarily managers and owners of companies, start-ups, residents of large cities, and people focused on living the high life.

Contact us,
and we will help you promote yourself!
Journalists at The Thing About Innovation provide the public with interesting information about discoveries, research, innovation and investments of the future every day. Take advantage of our opportunities in your work.

The thing about Innovation
The Thing About Innovation Podcast is a radio interview dedicated to scientists and innovators in the most practical way of communication in recent years. Podcasts are the most convenient form of consuming content. Above all, podcasts have become a source of new knowledge and inspiration for the public, which they can absorb where and when they want, listening to them at their leisure while, for example, driving, running or walking.
Listen to the podcasts we have produced
The thing about Innovation
The Thing About Innovation Video Program is footage broadcast on the largest Polish business portal – Each episode consists of an article and video material of the program. Our video program is a modern production in line with current digital media trends. Aerial photography and dynamic editing prepared by the program’s experienced editorial staff. The production of our materials involves people working for the largest Polish television stations.
Check out the video we made
We promote through business and industry media research and technologies of the future, that is, we present projects authored by distinguished scientists and visionary entrepreneurs, who implement them with the idea of improving specific areas of our lives. The recipients of this type of communication are potential investors, business partners or local governments. Contact us if this is an attractive target group for you.
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